Scott Stevens– Champlain College
ISBN-10: 0-9885572-2-3
ISBN-13: 978-0-9885572-2-2
298 Pages
©2019 Worldwide Center of Mathematics, LLC
Digital PDF | $9.95
Print BW | $29.95
Stevens’ Introduction to Statistics: Think & Do, is a new kind of textbook/workbook that integrates theoretical content with demonstrative examples and exercises in a page by page bullet-point format. Recognizing that most introductory statistics students will not read a statistics textbook on their own, this text is meant to be presented in class by the instructor. It is organized in such a way that new content is initially summarized at the top of the page, followed by a completed demonstrative example and then immediately followed by a “Your Turn” unfinished example for the students to complete. While this format is certainly typical in classroom lecture it is often difficult for the students to keep up with the lecture and/or faithfully map the lecture material to the corresponding content found in a traditional textbook. Stevens’ book alleviates these problems by combining lecture notes, examples, exercises, and textbook content into a single, well-organized workbook.
This book is meticulously constructed in such a way that each page can be presented as an overhead slide. Unlike many textbooks, the presentation is not written in a conversational tone. It is presented in bullet-point format allowing the instructor to discuss the material in a context of their preference without reading the slides to the students.
This is an affordable one-time-use book with space provided for students to augment the printed material and complete the examples in class. Recognizing that every statistics class has a lot of material to cover in a restricted amount of time, this text/workbook is designed for instructors who feel they currently spend too much time presenting new material and not enough time ‘doing’ it.