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Algebra Textbooks


A Term of Commutative Algebra

Allen Altman and Steven Kleiman


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              • PDF format with hyperlinked table of contents, index, and cross-references
              • Comprises twenty-six sections; each represents a single lecture
              • Students are encouraged to try to solve each exercise before looking up its solution. Should they become stuck, complete solutions are provided in the back of the book.
              • PDF available for free, print version at low cost

Authors: Steven Kleiman - MIT, Allen Altman

Steven Kleiman: Steve Kleiman received the S.B. from MIT in 1961, and the M.A. and Ph.D. from Harvard in 1962 and 65. Professor Kleiman concentrates on problems in algebraic geometry and commutative algebra
Allen Altman: Dr. Altman's publications include regular contributions to Mathematical Reviews and articles in Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, Communications in Algebra, and American Journal of Mathematics. He has been awarded Fulbright, National Science Foundation, and Woodrow Wilson fellowships.

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