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Algebra Textbooks


An Introduction to Groups, Rings, and Fields

Bruce N. Cooperstein


Digital $14.95

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          • PDF format with hyperlinked table of contents, index, and cross-references
          • Low cost
          • Covers the essentials of a first course in Abstract Algebra
          • Each section begins with a subsection, “What you need to know” reviewing prior definitions and concepts important to the section

Author: Bruce Cooperstein - University of California, Santa Cruz

Bruce’s research areas include finite groups, groups of Lie Type, Lie geometries, incidence and Galois geometry.  He has been on the faculty of the University of California, Santa Cruz continuously since 1975, obtaining the rank of full professor in 1989. He has won two prestigious awards, a W.K.Kellogg National Fellowship (1982-85) and a Pew National Scholarship for Carnegie Scholars (1999-2000).

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