Moduli spaces for topologically quasi-homogeneous functions
Yohann Genzmer and Emmanuel Paul
Journal of Singularities
volume 14 (2016), 3-33
Received 29 April 2014. Received in revised form 29 September 2015.
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We consider the topological class of a germ of 2-variables quasi-homogeneous complex analytic function. Each element f in this class induces a germ of foliation (df=0) and a germ of curve (f=0). We first describe the moduli space of the foliations in this class and we give analytic normal forms. The classification of curves induces a distribution on this moduli space. By studying the infinitesimal generators of this distribution, we can compute the generic dimension of the moduli space for the curves, and we obtain the corresponding generic normal forms.
holomorphic foliation, moduli of curve, singularities
2010 Mathematical Subject Classification:
34M35, 32S65, 32G13
Author(s) information:
Yohann Genzmer | Emmanuel Paul |
Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse | Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse |
Université Paul Sabatier | Université Paul Sabatier |
118 route de Narbonne | 118 route de Narbonne |
31062 Toulouse cedex 9, France | 31062 Toulouse cedex 9, France |
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