On the Milnor Fiber Boundary of a Quasi-Ordinary Surface
Gary Kennedy and Lee J. McEwan
Journal of Singularities
volume 19 (2019), 34-52
Received: 6 January 2019. Received in revised form: 5 June 2019
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We give a recursive formula, expressed in terms of the characteristic tuples, for the Betti numbers of the boundary of the Milnor fiber of an irreducible quasi-ordinary surface S which is reduced in the sense of Lipman. The singular locus of S consists of two components, and for each component we introduce a sequence of increasingly simpler surfaces. Our recursion depends on a detailed comparison of these two sequences. In the penultimate section, we indicate how we expect pieces of these associated surfaces to glue together to reconstruct the Milnor fiber of S and its boundary.
Author(s) information:
Gary Kennedy | Lee J. McEwan |
Department of Mathematics | Department of Mathematics |
The Ohio State University | The Ohio State University |
1760 University Drive | 1760 University Drive |
Mansfield, Ohio 44906 USA | Mansfield, Ohio 44906 USA |
email: kennedy.28@osu.edu | email: mcewan.1@osu.edu |