Sheaves on singular varieties
Elizabeth Gasparim and Thomas Köppe
Journal of Singularities
volume 2 (2010), 56-66
Proceedings of Singularities in Aarhus, August 2009
Received 13 December 2009.
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We prove existence of reflexive sheaves on singular surfaces and threefolds with prescribed numerical invariants and study their moduli.
Reflexive sheaves, local holomorphic Euler characteristic, moduli spaces
Mathematical Subject Classification:
Author(s) information:
Elizabeth Gasparim | Thomas Köppe |
School of Mathematics, The University of Edinburgh | School of Mathematics, The University of Edinburgh |
James Clerk Maxwell Building | James Clerk Maxwell Building |
The King's Buildings | The King's Buildings |
Mayfield Road | Mayfield Road |
Edinburgh, EH9 3JZ, United Kingdom | Edinburgh, EH9 3JZ, United Kingdom |
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