Characterizations of freeness for equidimensional subspaces

Delphine Pol

Journal of Singularities
volume 20 (2020), 1-30

Received: 5 May 2019. Received in revised form: 6 January 2020.

DOI: 10.5427/jsing.2020.20a

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The purpose of this paper is to investigate properties of the minimal free resolution of the modules of multi-logarithmic forms along a reduced equidimensional subspace. We first consider a notion of freeness for reduced complete intersections, and more generally for reduced equidimensional subspaces embedded in a smooth manifold, which generalizes the notion of Saito free divisors. The first main result is a characterization of freeness in terms of the projective dimension of the module of multi-logarithmic k-forms, where k is the codimension.

We also prove that there is a perfect pairing between the module of multi-logarithmic differential k-forms and the module of multi-logarithmic k-vector fields which generalizes the duality between the corresponding modules in the hypersurface case. We deduce from this perfect pairing a duality between the Jacobian ideal and the module of multi-residues of multi-logarithmic k-forms.

In the last part of this paper, we investigate logarithmic modules along some examples of free singularities. The main result in this section is an explicit computation of the minimal free resolution of the module of multi-logarithmic forms and multi-residues for quasi-homogeneous complete intersection curves.

2010 Mathematical Subject Classification:

14B05, 13D02, 14M10, 32A27

Key words and phrases:

logarithmic differential forms, logarithmic residues, free resolutions, complete intersections, curves

Author(s) information:

Delphine Pol
Department of Mathematics
T.U. Kaiserslautern
67663 Kaiserslautern, Germany