On the deformation of the exceptional unimodal singularities
Naohiko Kasuya and Atsuhide Mori
Journal of Singularities
volume 23 (2021), 1-14
Received: 31 August 2020. Received in revised form: 26 January 2021
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Ebeling and Takahashi considered the deformation of an isolated surface singularity f(x,y,z)-txyz (t in C) for any invertible polynomial f in three variables. In particular, they deformed each of the 14 exceptional unimodal singularities into a cusp singularity. However, their proof is purely algebraic and requires a detailed knowledge of normal forms. In this article, instead of algebraic treatment of the singularity, we observe the critical points of the squared distance function restricted to the singular complex surface in C^3. We show that only one additional critical point emerges via the deformation if and only if f is one of the 14 exceptional unimodal singularities. Moreover, we can determine the approximate location of the critical point when the parameter t is a small positive number. This would be helpful to describe the change of the topology of the complex surface by means of the Morse theory.
2010 Mathematical Subject Classification:
32S25, 58K60, 58K05
Key words and phrases:
exceptional unimodal singularities, cusp singularities, deformations of singularities, critical points, Morse theory
Author(s) information:
Naohiko Kasuya | Atsuhide Mori |
Department of Mathematics | Department of Mathematics |
Faculty of Science | Osaka Dental University |
Kyoto Sangyo University | 8-1 Kuzuha Hanazono, Hirakata |
Kamigamo Motoyama, Kita-ku | Osaka 573-1121 JAPAN |
Kyoto 603-8555 JAPAN | |
email: nkasuya@cc.kyoto-su.ac.jp | email: mori-a@cc.osaka-dent.ac.jp |