Intersection spaces and hypersurface singularities
Markus Banagl and Laurentiu Maxim
Journal of Singularities
volume 5 (2012), 48-56
Proceedings of the International Conference on Singularity Theory and Applications, Hefei, China, July 25-31, 2011
Received 10 December 2012. Received in revised form 13 April 2012.
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We give an elementary introduction to the first author's theory of intersection spaces associated to complex projective varieties with only isolated singularities. We also survey recent results on the deformation invariance of intersection space homology in the context of projective hypersurfaces with an isolated singularity.
Singularities, projective hypersurfaces, smooth deformations, Poincaré duality, intersection homology, Milnor fibration, mixed Hodge structures, mirror symmetry
Mathematical Subject Classification:
32S30, 32S55, 55N33, 57P10, 32S35, 14J33
Author(s) information:
Markus Banagl | Laurentiu Maxim |
Mathematisches Institut | Department of Mathematics |
Universität Heidelberg | University of Wisconsin-Madison |
Im Neuenheimer Feld 288 | 480 Lincoln Drive |
69120 Heidelberg, Germany | Madison, WI 53706-1388, USA |
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