The punctual Hilbert schemes for the curve singularities of types E_6 and E_8

Yoshiki Sōma and Masahiro Watari

Journal of Singularities
volume 8 (2014), 135-145

Received: 8 October 2013. Received in revised form: 29 October 2014.

DOI: 10.5427/jsing.2014.8j

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The aim of the present paper is to study the structure of the punctual Hilbert schemes for the curve singularities of types E_6 and E_8. Our analysis uses computational methods to decompose a punctual Hilbert scheme into affine cells. We also use known results about the compactified Jacobians of singular curves.


punctual Hilbert schemes, curve singularities of types E_6 and E_8, compactified Jacobians of singular curves

Mathematical Subject Classification:

14C05, 14H20

Author(s) information:

Yoshiki Sōma Masahiro Watari
Chōfu Minami Metropolitan High School Department of Integrated Arts and Science
6-2-1 Tamagawa Okinawa National College of Technology
Chōfushi Tokyo 182-0025 Japan 905 Aza Henoko
Nago Okinawa 905-2192 Japan