Polarizations on limiting mixed Hodge structures
Taro Fujisawa
Journal of Singularities
volume 8 (2014), 146-193
Received: 20 January 2014. Received in revised form: 23 November 2014.
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We construct polarizations of mixed Hodge structures on the relative log de Rham cohomology groups of a projective log deformation. To this end, we study the behavior of weight and Hodge filtrations under the cup product and construct a trace morphism for a projective log deformation.
mixed Hodge structure, log deformation
Mathematical Subject Classification:
Primary 14C30; Secondary 14D07, 32G20, 32S35
Author(s) information:
Taro Fujisawa
Tokyo Denki University
Tokyo, Japan
email: fujisawa@mail.dendai.ac.jp