hypersurfaces in P^5 containing unexpected subvarieties
I. Vainsencher
Journal of Singularities
volume 9 (2014), 219-225
Received 16 April 2012. Received in revised form 1 February 2013.
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Smooth cubic 4-folds in P^5 containing a general pair of 2-planes are known to be rational. They form a family of codimension 2 in P^{55}. We find a polynomial which encodes, for all d>2, the degrees of the loci of hypersurfaces in P^5 of degree d containing some plane-pair.
intersection theory, Noether-Lefschetz locus, enumerative geometry, rational cubic fourfold
Mathematical Subject Classification:
14N05, 14N15
Author(s) information:
I. Vainsencher
Departamento de Matemática
Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil
email: israel@mat.ufmg.br