On smooth deformations of foliations with singularities

A. Mafra, B. Scárdua, and J. Seade

Journal of Singularities
volume 9 (2014), 101-110

Received 30 May 2012. Received in revised form 18 March 2014.

DOI: 10.5427/jsing.2014.9i

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We study smooth deformations of codimension one foliations with Morse and Bott-Morse singularities of center-type. We show that in dimensions at least 3, every small smooth deformation by foliations of a Morse function with only center type singularities is a deformation by Morse functions. We also show that this statement is false in dimension 2. In the same vein we show that if F is a foliation with Bott-Morse singularities on a manifold M, all of center type, and if we assume there is a component N of the singular locus of f of codimension at least 3 such that H^1(N,R)=0, then every small smooth deformation F_t of F is compact, stable and given by a Bott-Morse function f_t: M -> [0,1] with only two critical values at 0 and 1. Furthermore, each such foliation F_t is topologically equivalent to F. Hence, Bott-Morse foliations with only center-type singularities and having a component N of the singular locus of F of codimension m at least 3 such that H^1(N,R)=0$, are structurally stable under smooth deformations. These statements are false in general if we drop the codimension m at least 3 condition.

Author(s) information:

Albetã Mafra Bruno Scárdua José Seade
Instituto de Matemática Instituto de Matemática Instituto de Matemáticas, UNAM
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro Unidad Cuernavaca
Caixa Postal 68530 Caixa Postal 68530 Av. Universidad s/n
Cidade Universitária Cidade Universitária Colonia Lomas de Chamilpa
21.945-970 Rio de Janeiro-RJ, Brazil 21.945-970 Rio de Janeiro-RJ, Brazil C.P. 62210, Cuernavaca, Morelos, México
email: albetan@im.ufrj.br email: scardua@impa.br email: jseade@im.unam.mx