Volume 15: Proceedings of the AMS Special Session on Singularities and Physics, Knoxville, 2014


Preface i
Editors: Paolo Aluffi and Mboyo Esole

Spectral Covers, Integrality Conditions, and Heterotic/F-theory Duality 1
Lara B. Anderson

An Index Formula for Supersymmetric Quantum Mechanics 14
Clay Córdova and Shu-Heng Shao

Geometry and Topology of String Junctions 36
Antonella Grassi, James Halverson, and Julius L. Shaneson

Singular Geometry of the Momentum Space: From wire networks to quivers and monopoles 53
Ralph M. Kaufmann, Sergei Khlebnikov, and Birgit Wehefritz-Kaufmann

Rota-Baxter algebras, singular hypersurfaces, and renormalization on Kausz compactifications 80
Matilde Marcolli and Xiang Ni

Intersection Spaces, Perverse Sheaves and String Theory 118
Laurentiu Maxim

Sections, multisections, and U(1) fields in F-theory 126
David R. Morrison and Washington Taylor