Volume 19: January 2019 - December 2019


On Realizations of Some Plane Algebroid Curves 1
André Gimenez Bueno, Gheyza Ferreira, and Renato Vidal Martins

On Bott-Morse Foliations and their Poisson structures in dimension three 19
M. Evangelista-Alvarado, P. Suárez-Serrato, J. Torres Orozco, and R. Vera

On the Milnor Fiber Boundary of a Quasi-Ordinary Surface 34
Gary Kennedy and Lee J. McEwan

A higher-dimensional generalization of Mumford's rational pullback for Weil divisors 53
Stefan Schröer

The multiplicity and the number of generators of integrally closed ideals 61
Hailong Dao and Ilya Smirnov

Differentiable equisingularity of holomorphic foliations 76
Rogério Mol and Rudy Rosas

Multiplicative de Rham Theorems for Relative and Intersection Space Cohomology 97
Franz Wilhelm Schlöder and J. Timo Essig

(Co)torsion of exterior powers of differentials over complete intersections 131
Claudia Miller and Sophia Vassiliadou

μ-constant deformations of functions on an ICIS 163
R. S. Carvalho, B. Oréfice-Okamoto, and J. N. Tomazella

Irreducible holonomy groups and Riccati foliations in higher complex dimension 177
V. León, M. Martelo, and B. Scárdua