Volume 22:
The 15th International Workshop on Real and Complex Singularities, 22-28th July, 2018, in honor of Maria Ruas and Terence Gaffney's 70th birthdays and Marcelo Saia's 60th birthday, ICMC-USP, São Carlos, Brazil


Preface i
Editors: Grazielle Feliciani Barbosa, José Luis Cisneros Molina, Nivaldo De Góes Grulha Júnior, and András Némethi

On the index of principal foliations of surfaces in R^3 with corank 1 singularities 1
J. C. F. Costa, L. F. Martins, and J. J. Nuño-Ballesteros

Finite type ξ-asymptotic lines of plane fields in R^3 17
Douglas H. da Cruz and Ronaldo A. Garcia

On the characteristic curves on a surface in R^4 28
Jorge Luiz Deolindo-Silva

Horo-flat surfaces along cuspidal edges in the hyperbolic space 40
Shyuichi Izumiya, Maria Carmen Romero-Fuster, Kentaro Saji, and Masatomo Takahashi

Duality on generalized cuspidal edges preserving singular set images and first fundamental forms 59
Atsufumi Honda, Kosuke Naokawa, Kentaro Saji, Masaaki Umehara, and Kotaro Yamada

Unlinking singular loci from regular fibers and its application to submersions 92
Osamu Saeki

Loops in generalized Reeb graphs associated to stable circle-valued functions 104
Erica Boizan Batista, João Carlos Ferreira Costa, and Juan J. Nuño-Ballesteros

Apparent contours of stable maps of surfaces with boundary into the plane 114
Takahiro Yamamoto

A quick trip through fibration structures 134
A. A. do Espirito Santo, D. Dreibelbis, M. F. Ribeiro, and R. N. Araújo dos Santos

On the topology of non-isolated real singularities 159
Nicolas Dutertre

A geometric description of the monodromy of Brieskorn-Pham polynomials 180
Aurélio Menegon

Bouquet decomposition for Determinantal Milnor fibers 190
Matthias Zach

On a singularity appearing in the multiplication of polynomials 205
Santiago López de Medrano and Enrique Vega Castillo

Real and complex integral closure, Lipschitz equisingularity and applications on square matrices 215
Thiago Filipe da Silva, Nivaldo de Góes Grulha Júnior, and Miriam da Silva Pereira

Chaos in periodically forced reversible vector fields 227
Isabel S. Labouriau and Elisa Sovrano

Conley theory for Gutierrez-Sotomayor fields 241
H. Montúfar and K. A. de Rezende

Morin singularities of collections of one-forms and vector fields 278
Camila M. Ruiz

Deformation retracts to intersections of Whitney stratifications 315
Saurabh Trivedi and David Trotman

Comparison of stratified-algebraic and topological K-theory 321
Wojciech Kucharz and Krzysztof Kurdyka

The embedded Nash problem of birational models of rational triple singularities 337
B. Karadeniz, H. Mourtada, C. Plénat, and M. Tosun

Topology of complements to real affine space line arrangements 373
Goo Ishikawa and Motoki Oyama